About Us

In addition to their knowledge of scriptures, this course is meant to make them aware of important things such as: How to interact with people in the west, what are western values – team work, punctuality, accountability, productivity, meeting deadlines, individualism, equal treatment to all by courtesy, care and professionalism, self sufficiency, quality control & improvement through feedback, continuing education, work is worship etc.

The program is a brainchild of Dr. Deen Bandhu Chandora of USA and is being implemented by Acharya Rampersad Vedalankar Nyas, Hardwar, India, in supervision of Acharya Ashish Darshnacharya, with the active support of Shri Anuvrat Arya (Trustee, Acharya Rampersad Vedalankar Nyas) and Shri Vishrut Arya(Member of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha America).

Salient features of the Program-
  • Course conducted by Dedicated & renowned Vedic Scholars, led by Acharya Ashish Darshanacharya, Vedic Sadhan Ashram, Tapovan, Dehradun India.
  • Well qualified candidates, who have already studied the Aarsh Scriptures, as described by Maharshi Swami Dayanand Saraswati
  • Full time resident course of one year
  • Guest lectures and one to one interaction with world renowned English and Vedic scholars
  • Written, oral and practical exams to assess the candidate’s capability and expertise
  • Well defined curriculum which covers the Vedic Principles, Personality development, Computer skills,  Spoken English, Art of public speaking
  • Emphasis on developing the basics of English language, so that they can express themselves well in western countries
  • Very pleasant and peaceful atmosphere for conduction of course, at Tapovan Ashram Dehradun, India.
Major subjects taught in English-
  • Light of Truth – Maharshi Dayanand
  • Sanskar Vidhi – Maharshi Dayanand
  • Rigvedaadibhashyabhumika- Mahrishi Dayanand
  • Manusmriti
  • “Hindu Centum” by Dr. Deenbandhu Chandora & “Quest” by Sh. Madan Raheja
  • The Sixteen Rituals of Aaryas by Aacharya Jyaaneshwaraaryah
  • Meaning of Mantras used in Sandhyaa and Agnihotra
  • Five daily rituals of Aaryaas
  • Brief introduction to Vedic Principles
  • Explanation of meaning of Mantras used in Sandhya and Agnihotra
  • Introduction to some of the other ancient books like Geeta, Ramayan, Mahabharat
  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Behavioral attributes as followed in western culture
  • Astrology & Astronomy : Fraud versus reality of cosmology i.e. science of Astronomy
  • Usefulness of Vedic Sandhya for purification of mind.
  • Explanation of Pranayam & Aasanas from Maharshi Patanajali Perspective

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