Acharya Ashish Darshanacharya

ashishAacharya Aashish Darshnaachaarya, initially trained as an engineer, has explored the Vedic concepts, Vedic Yog & Meditation from a position of logic for the past fourteen years and has become a master in explaining the Vedic Philosophy & Meditation scientifically.A disciple of Swami Satyapati Ji, Acharya Ashish has dedicated his life for spreading of Vedic Knowledge and social service.

After completing modern education, he joined Darshan Yog Mahaavidyaalaya, Gujarat, and learnt the Vedic Yog practices and different Aarsh Granthas (ancient scriptures) including Nirukat, Vyaakarn, and Maharshi Patanjali’s Ashtang Yoga and is currently serving as Aacharya at the Vedic Saadhan Ashram, Tapovan, Dehradun, India. He is an enthusiastic intellectual possessing the capability to elucidate the paramount, scientific, everlasting, irrefutable principles of Vedas.

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